
2022-01-17 06:53:10 来源:
绿豆降火的说法在中国存在了几千年,要到在几千年前的《开宝李时珍》:"主丹毒烦热,风疹,热气奔豚,生研绞汁服。亦煮食,消肿下气,压热解毒。"《会约医镜》:"清火清便秘,药痈肿大白烂。"。然而作为一般而言的饮品来说,这种绿豆能治药疾病总被认为言过其实。 尤其中医中的降火,无法用现代科学进行推论。然而,最新一项研究成果却巧合正因如此。这项来自于加拿大Hofstra大学的研究成果成果发掘出,绿豆精油确实可以用于脓毒症,其作用机制主要与减少脓毒症关键炎症因子HMGB1,从而实现保护作用。能使脓毒症动物模型发生率从70%减少到29%,不具备显著的保护作用。 当然,这仅仅是坚实研究成果,与临床研究成果广泛应用还有远处,但是它提示天然饮品中,也可能不具备一些最重要的药用价值。标题上传:ECAM2012-498467.pdf许多现代出处:Zhu S, Li W, Li J, Jundoria A, Sama AE, Wang H.It Is Not Just Folklore: The Aqueous Extract of Mung Bean Coat Is Protective against Sepsis.Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2012;2012:498467. doi: 10.1155/2012/498467. Epub 2012 Oct 24.英文摘要:

Mungbean (Vigna Radiata) has been traditionally used in China both asnutritional food and herbal medicine against a number of inflammatoryconditions since the 1050s. A nucleosomal protein, HMGB1, has recentlybeen established as a late mediator of lethal systemic inflammation witha relatively wider therapeutic window for pharmacologicalinterventions. Here we explored the HMGB1-inhibiting capacity andtherapeutic potential of mung bean coat (MBC) extract in vitro and invivo. We found that MBC extract dose-dependently attenuated LPS-inducedrelease of HMGB1 and several chemokines in macrophage cultures. Oraladministration of MBC extract significantly increased animal survivalrates from 29.4% (in saline group, N = 17 mice) to 70% (in experimentalMBC extract group, N = 17 mice, P < 0.05). In vitro, MBC extractstimulated HMGB1 protein aggregation and facilitated both the formationof microtubule-associatedprotein-1-light-chain-3-(LC3-)containingcytoplasmic vesicles, and the production of LC3-II in macrophagecultures. Consequently, MBC extract treatment led to reduction ofcellular HMGB1 levels in macrophage cultures, which was impaired bycoaddition of two autophagy inhibitors (bafilomycin A1 and 3-methyladenine). Conclusion. MBC extract is protective against lethal sepsis possibly by stimulating autophagic HMGB1 degradation.

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